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The Freeway Zen group meets two times a week on Zoom. You are welcome to attend either or both sessions:
1. On Mondays on Zoom, 10 - 11:10 AM for discussion and sitting meditation.
2. On Thursday evenings for still, silent meditation via Zoom from 7 - 8 pm. Feel free to sit for as long or as short as you wish. Sign in via Zoom, turn your video on, but keep yourself muted.
Here are the Zoom links for Monday mornings and Thursday evenings:
Meeting ID: 810 6313 2159
Passcode: 549474
Meeting ID: 840 6703 2002
Passcode: 243173
To study the Way is to study the self;
To study the self is to forget the self;
To forget the self is to be enlightened by
the 10,000 things;
And to be enlightened by the 10,000
things is to remove the barrier between
self and other.
Dogen Zenji
Zen practice emphasizes the following qualities:
Stillness: settling down in mind and body.
Perseverance: staying with all the ups and downs of our lives.
Clear seeing: clarifying our conditioned beliefs and strategies.
Willingness: acknowledging and embracing whatever life presents--including anger, fear, shame, and
confusion--as the path of awakening.
Loving-kindness: awakening to the loving-kindness and compassion that are the nature of our being.
"Unceasing change turns the wheel of life, and so reality is shown in all its forms. Peaceful dwelling as change itself liberates all suffering sentient beings and brings them to great joy."
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